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Month: April 2014

The Key Muscles of Yoga: Scientific Keys, Volume I

The Key Muscles of Yoga: Scientific Keys, Volume I This book offers a scientific approach to understanding the practice of hatha yoga. Through four-color, three-dimensional illustrations of major muscles, tendons, and ligaments, Ray Long describes the practice and benefits of hatha yoga. Specific anatomical and physiological descriptions highlight the agonist, antagonist, and synergist muscles that come into play with each pose. Volume I of the series describes the key muscles of hatha yoga and how they are utilized. From beginners to experts, this book will become a constant companion. About the Author Ray Long, MD FRCSC, is a board-certified...

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Women and weights: beyond false myths.. a winning combination!

***** by  Saverio Sculli (Personal Trainer)* How many times at the gym do you hear a woman say:  “No, I do not use weights. Do you want me to have muscles like those of a man? I’m not crazy..” There are many, too many, prejudices against isotonic training among women. Let’s try to understand and dissipate the most popular “myths ” about it. Women and weights: dissipating myths Let’s start by saying that strength training programs produce only a minimum increase in muscle mass because muscle hypertrophy is largely influenced by testosterone, the primary male hormone (present in very...

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